kaleidoscopic observatory

september - december 2016

La Casa Taller, the house and studio of architect Agustín Hernández in Mexico City, is a product of the desire to build through the use of geometry as an exact science. After having performed an analysis of the building, (with the intention of designing a counter - proposal), it was found to be composed of a collection of optical devices.

It was discovered that each aperture within the Casa Taller acts as an optical device functioning at two scales in order to accomodate the body and the eye of the architect. The symmetry of the house and studio called for the use of an instrument that would stay true to the intended functional geomtry of the building: the kaleidoscope.

This instrument is meant to generate a new observatory through the kaleido- scopic analysis of the building and its site. The application of triangulation to each aperture and its framed view results in a visual shift. The building itself shifts in order to maintain its connection to the now reconfigured site into which it was, and continues to be, completely grounded. In keeping with the function of the kaleidoscope and the observatory it produces, the tower provides a space within which to become an active participant as an observer.


